Saturday, March 02, 2013

Is Your Boyfriend Cheating?

A really good article on how to catch your cheating boyfriend. The signs are everywhere, you just need to know where to look.

Quick Test To See If Your Boyfriend Is Cheating

If you or someone you know are in a relationship and have a few concerns or see some signs that you are not sure of and would like to know if you can actually trust your guy, here is a cheating boyfriend test that you can do to help you identify the warning signs.
In this article I'm going to list some simple yes or no questions that you need to think about.
Let me tell you first that this test isn't 100% accurate, but it will give you a very good idea that there may be some issues in the relationship.
At the least, it would open your eyes and allow you to be more aware and pay closer attention to what your guy is doing when you aren't around.
Consider these questions:
1. Has your boyfriend suddenly started changing or acting differently? Has he recently started working after hours or putting off dates with you? Or, does he just act "funny"?
Now, of course, that may mean nothing. He could be just feeling under the weather or might have a few issues at work, or needs the extra money.
This new change in behavior, on its own, isn't necessarily a bad sign, but it should tell you that you need to pay closer attention to other things.
2. Has he suddenly started lying about things or seems to be at a loss for words? If, all of a sudden, you notice him telling little white lies about what and where he has been and with who can sure be a sign that something is going on.
3. Has he become secretive out of the blue? A guy who has always left his cell phone on the table in the open now keeps it in his pocket or now must leave the room to take a call. These are signs that the guy probably has something to hide.
It may be time to pay a little closer attention and try to see what he is up to. For all you know, he may only be planning a special date with you, it could be nothing, but you do need to take everything into consideration.
4. Has he suddenly stopped taking you to his company parties or other social events?
Sometimes it can be nothing, but again, if this behavior has changed abruptly, it is definitely a sign of trouble.
5. Has your guy suddenly started shaving, keeping his hair cut nice, putting on extra cologne and going that extra mile in his appearance?
Again, this could be innocent on its own but if he is making other changes too, it might be signs that something is wrong.
Another thing, does he return home late at night smelling as if he has just taken a shower or wearing something different? If so, it may be a clue that he has cleaned up after his outing.
6. Has he been showing less affection to you or does he seem distant or has he stopped wanting to have sex with you? These are warnings and mean it's time to pay more attention to what is going on when he is not with you.
Taking this quiz may make it easier for you to see a possible problem in your relationship.
Each point taken on its own can be innocent enough, but if you find yourself checking off several of these points and are seeing a lot of change in your guys behavior, it is definitely a sign that there may be trouble.
It's a sad thing when you are worried that your guy may be cheating on you. But always make sure it's not just you, and that you aren't just insecure and imagining something is going on.
But, if you know it's not coming from your end and you take this cheating boyfriend test you may have the answer you don't want but need to know about anyway.
I am in the business of helping people build a relationship on a foundation that will last. For more tips on how to improve your relationship go to
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A great article on the dreaded cheating boyfriend, try not to jump to conclusions, make sure he's cheating before you confront him.