Thursday, November 27, 2008

Your Boyfriend Is Cheating - How to Tell If Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You

A great sign of a cheating boyfriend article, titled ~ Your Boyfriend Is Cheating - How to Tell If Your Boyfriend Is Cheating On You by Lee Ann Hairston

There are a lot of question that women ask about their boyfriend. Question like, how to tell if your boyfriend is cheating on you or what are the signs of a cheating boyfriend and many other question. What few have find out is, it is the simple changes a man makes in his lifestyle that can tell them he is cheating. This article will show you what to look for.

His attitude toward you will change. He doesn't have much to say to you any more. His conversation with you are rude. You ask him a simple question and he seems to get defensive. He does not want to tell you where he has been or where he is going. If he treats you this way he does not care about your feelings at all and he thinks it none of your business what he does.

Every time he goes out he says he is hanging out with the guys. You will find out if you decide to check up on him, he is more than likely with his outside lady. Calling him will do no good because he is not going to answer his phone or he will simply cut it off and tell you he left it somewhere or he did not hear it ringing.

If you try to find out who she is you find it difficult, because they are using nick names they have giving to each other. Sometimes he will call you by this name if you listen close enough. You probably want think anything about it because to you it is a sweet little name. The way he talks will give you a sign that he is cheating on you.

Ask him why he called you by that name or why he has changed the way he talks to you. Sure he will say this is the way he always talked, but you know it is not true. The way he talks to you now is nothing like when you first met him.

The way he takes care of himself now, this a sure give away. Does he shave places he has never shaved before. Grooming his private area and his under arms. The girl he is cheating on you with might like for him to shave in places he never thought of before. If that is what she wants him to do, he will do it and be glad about it because it pleases her.

On top of that he now wears bikini under ware when he use to wear boxer. As a matter of fact his whole wardrobe has change. He dresses differently, even when he goes to work. He will say his boss said something to him about the way he dresses and that is why he changed the way he dresses. He also wants to smell good and it has to be a certain type of cologne he wears.

Have you ever asked him to take some time off from work to stay home with you? He told you he can't because he does do not have enough vacation time. If he has been going to work everyday, why doesn't he have any vacation time. If he has been at work, he should have plenty of vacation time. What he is doing is using his vacation time to spend time with her.

He really doesn't want to use his time to spend with you because he saving all that time for her. If you thinks he is at work, you can't accuse him of cheating. So, he does use his job and vacation time as an excuse not to spend time with you.

This how to tell if your boyfriend is cheating on you. He says he out with the guys. His attitude towards you have changed. The way he talks and the way he dresses. These are all the signs your boyfriend is cheating.

About the Author

You deserve better, you need to catch A Cheating Boyfriend and you need to do it now. How to tell if your boyfriend is cheating on you can be found at get it now

sign of a cheating boyfriend

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Is Your Husband or Boyfriend Having a Summer Affair?

Is Your Husband or Boyfriend Having a Summer Affair? by Ruth Houston

Summertime is peak season for cheating husbands. Extramarital affairs flourish this time of the year. Many men view summer infidelity as a recreational sport. Some husbands are seasonal cheaters who only cheat when their wives are away on vacation. Other husbands are opportunistic cheaters who cheat only when there's an opportunity do so without getting caught. For all three types of cheating men, summer is the ideal time to initiate an extramarital affair.

Most Summer Affairs Go Undetected

According to statistics, 50% to 70% of husbands cheat on their wives. A good percentage of these affairs take place during the summer months. Most of this infidelity goes undetected. Studies reveal that 2/3 of the women with cheating husbands have no idea their husbands are having an affair. There are a number of tactics cheating husbands use to hide their summer affairs.

Husbands Play While Their Wives are Away

Some husbands make a practice of sending the wife and kids to the beach, the lake, the country, the mountains, or to visit relatives in another state. What's your husband up to while you and the kids are away? Where is he? Who is he with? How is he spending his time? Instead of sitting home with a pizza and a beer, he could be out wining and dining his ladylove.

Fictitious Fishing Trips and other Lies

Cheating husbands frequently disguise vacations with their mistress as fishing, camping or rafting trips with the guys. Men know that outdoor activities and other forms of male bonding are unlikely to be questioned by their wives. Is he really hiking the Appalachian Trail with his buddies? Or soaking up sun in St. Thomas with his summer sweetheart?

Bogus Business Trips

Trysts with the mistress are often disguised as bogus business trips. Even valid business trips can provide the perfect opportunity to cheat away from prying eyes. While he's attending that summer business conference without you, a budding office romance could blossom into a full blown affair. Are his trips occurring more frequently or lasting longer than usual? Has he tacked on an extra day or two before or after a legitimate business trip so he can spend the time with his lover?

Suspicious Separate Vacations

Has your husband suggested (or insisted) that the two of you take separate vacations this year? Where does he plan to go? Who will he be vacationing with? He could be laying the groundwork for a summer affair. Will he be living it up in Las Vegas with his lover while you're enjoying a week of pampering at a spa? If you have reason to suspect that your husband could be cheating, you may want to re-think your summer plans.

What to Do About His Summer Affair

Learn to recognize the signs of a summer affair from the free summer infidelity tip sheet offered below. If you see telltale signs of a summer affair developing or actually taking place, SPEAK UP! Ignoring it won't make it go away. Let your husband know you're aware of what's going on and tell him you want it to stop. If you let him think he's getting away with his affair this summer, he'll feel free to do it again next year. Or worse, he may continue it throughout the year. Though summer affairs usually have a built-in expiration date, many cheaters turn their summer flings into a permanent state of affairs. Your husband could become so attached to his mistress, that he moves in with her or asks you for a divorce. The tip sheet on summer infidelity gives advice on how to short-circuit his summer affair.

How to Prevent a Summer Affair

Does this mean you should forego renting that beach house for the summer or put that 2-week trip to your parents on hold? If you've seen suspicious behavior or signs of infidelity during the past few weeks or months, this is not a good time for you to be away.

If your husband is a recreational, seasonal or opportunistic cheater, don't make it easy for him to cheat. Stay close to home, keep tabs on him, and stay alert. Safeguard your marriage by putting some checks and balances in place. If you follow the suggestions in the summer infidelity tip sheet, he won't have the time or the opportunity to carry on a summer affair.

© copyright 2005-2006 Ruth Houston. All rignts reserved.

About Ruth Houston:

Infidelity expert Ruth Houston is the founder of and the author of Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs, which documents practically every known sign of infidelity. To request the Summer Infidelity Tip Sheet which lists the telltale signs of a summer affair and includes tips on how to short circuit your husband's summer affair, or prevent him from having a summer fling, send an e-mail to with "Summer Affairs-go" in the subject line.

For more information about summer infidelity visit To interview Ruth Houston or have her speak to your association or group, call 718 592-6039 or e-mail

Thursday, August 14, 2008

sign of a cheating boyfriend

Another really good sign of a cheating boyfriend article, this time by infidelity expert, Thomas Schmidt

Discover the Latest Signs Of Cheating Boyfriend And The Signs Of Cheating Men

Learning the signs of cheating boyfriend and what to look for is not as easy as it may seem. Men are sly and full of tricks they use to deceive the women who love them. Once you start to indentify the subtle signs of cheating men you will no longer wonder if he is cheating on you! Men think they can get away with anything and feel they can fool most women. How do I know? Because I was once one of those foolish men who cheated and as you read each word in this article, you will soon be educated on the ways of cheating men.

Here are the top five signs of cheating boyfriend:

Changes in sex drive and sexual behavior - Sex is one of the elements that make a healthy and happy relationship. What happens when men begin cheating? They will begin sleeping with their wife or girlfriend out of guilt more often. Guilty feelings start to prey on their conscious so they feel if they make love to you more often, they will not feel as guilty. On the other hand, you can look for a decreased sex drive and when you do have sex with them it a lot less intimate.

Changes in habits and routines - Look out for these subtle clues or signs of cheating men. When you begin to see a sudden change in their schedules you should start to use caution. If it's a sunny day out and your man says he is going golfing and will be home late and you are suspicious, check his golf shoes for fresh grass. Or better yet, check the pants cuff for grass clippings. If he has started to stay late at work when he has never stayed late before, you might start to grow cautious.

Loss of Anger - When your man no longer argues over issues he would normally argue about, it's a subtle sign he may be cheating. Cheaters avoid confrontation on all fronts, making sure the issue of cheating never arises.

Puts more focus on you - Cheating men feel guilty, they are human after all. I know you are probably thinking right now they are not, but still all in all they are human. When he feels guilty, he will start to place more importance on you. He will start asking you how your day was and start placing more focus on your feelings. It's the guilty feeling he is living with and he wants to emphasize how important you are, even if he is sleeping with someone else.

Cell phones - If your man starts sleeping with his cell phone next to him or constantly erases phone call and messages. This is a red light that he may of started an affair. When they become protective over their cell phone it's a sure sign of cheating boyfriend.

These five signs are subtle signs of cheating men. Look for them if you feel any indication your husband or boyfriend may be cheating on you. Signs will start to emerge where you never saw them before. So if you feel he is cheating, make sure you look for them.

About the Author

Decide for yourself today if you are ready to learn the truth. The choice is yours. Live in fear everytime he steps out the door or read this special free report found at Signs He Is Cheating and end your stress and anxiety that preys on your mind each and every waking moment.

hoping you have a happy relationship

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Signs Of A Cheating Boyfriend

An article titled, Discover the Latest Signs Of Cheating Boyfriend And The Signs Of Cheating Men by sign of a cheating boyfriend expert, Thomas Schmidt

Learning the signs of cheating boyfriend and what to look for is not as easy as it may seem. Men are sly and full of tricks they use to deceive the women who love them. Once you start to indentify the subtle signs of cheating men you will no longer wonder if he is cheating on you! Men think they can get away with anything and feel they can fool most women. How do I know? Because I was once one of those foolish men who cheated and as you read each word in this article, you will soon be educated on the ways of cheating men.

Here are the top five signs of cheating boyfriend:

Changes in sex drive and sexual behavior - Sex is one of the elements that make a healthy and happy relationship. What happens when men begin cheating? They will begin sleeping with their wife or girlfriend out of guilt more often. Guilty feelings start to prey on their conscious so they feel if they make love to you more often, they will not feel as guilty. On the other hand, you can look for a decreased sex drive and when you do have sex with them it a lot less intimate.

Changes in habits and routines - Look out for these subtle clues or signs of cheating men. When you begin to see a sudden change in their schedules you should start to use caution. If it's a sunny day out and your man says he is going golfing and will be home late and you are suspicious, check his golf shoes for fresh grass. Or better yet, check the pants cuff for grass clippings. If he has started to stay late at work when he has never stayed late before, you might start to grow cautious.

Loss of Anger - When your man no longer argues over issues he would normally argue about, it's a subtle sign he may be cheating. Cheaters avoid confrontation on all fronts, making sure the issue of cheating never arises.

Puts more focus on you - Cheating men feel guilty, they are human after all. I know you are probably thinking right now they are not, but still all in all they are human. When he feels guilty, he will start to place more importance on you. He will start asking you how your day was and start placing more focus on your feelings. It's the guilty feeling he is living with and he wants to emphasize how important you are, even if he is sleeping with someone else.

Cell phones - If your man starts sleeping with his cell phone next to him or constantly erases phone call and messages. This is a red light that he may of started an affair. When they become protective over their cell phone it's a sure sign of cheating boyfriend.

These five signs are subtle signs of cheating men. Look for them if you feel any indication your husband or boyfriend may be cheating on you. Signs will start to emerge where you never saw them before. So if you feel he is cheating, make sure you look for them.

About the Author

Decide for yourself today if you are ready to learn the truth. The choice is yours. Live in fear everytime he steps out the door or read this special free report found at Signs He Is Cheating and end your stress and anxiety that preys on your mind each and every waking moment.

sign of a cheating boyfriend

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

sign of a cheating boyfriend

Signs That Your Boyfriend Is Cheating: The Best Way To Catch Him article, by sign of a cheating boyfriend expert, Adam Michaels

If you feel your boyfriend is running around on you, you need to know the signs that your boyfriend is cheating. The thought of your boyfriend sneaking out to the arms of another girl hurts like no other hurt. So let's catch him.

Use the tips from this cheating boyfriend test to see where you are with your boyfriend. Maybe he's not cheating on you. But generally speaking, if you feel he's cheating on you, then he IS cheating on you.

1. Your boyfriend starts spending too much time away from you.

2. Your boyfriend wants to start going places without you.

3. Suddenly your boyfriend is working out to get back in shape.

4. Your boyfriend starts to want to know about your plans and where you'll be.

5. Your boyfriend slowly stops holding your hand.

6. The kissing and hugging seems to have tapered off.

7. You seem to bore your boyfriend.

8. Your boyfriend seems to want less sex.

9. Your boyfriend becomes restless and daydreams often.

10. When you try to call your boyfriend at work, he's now too busy to answer the phone.

11. Your boyfriend will go to another room to talk on the phone.

12. Your boyfriend will start to erase email messages from his computer.

13. Your boyfriend will start to do his own laundry.

14. Your boyfriend is working more, but seems to have less money.

15. Your boyfriend seems to start fights over petty little things.

The use of quizzes to see if my boyfriend is cheating is only useful if you learn from them. Do you now know some signs of cheating boyfriend? Do they apply to your relationship?

Girls, if your boyfriend is cheating on you and playing you for a fool, I know first hand the hurt you feel. The problem is not him cheating on you, so much as you are letting him get away with it.

I'm sure you cook for him. Clean for him or do his laundry. Maybe you even pay some of his bills. And this is how he thanks you?

About the Author

Now let me show you the best way to catch him. It's time for you to take action. He's playing you for a fool and you don't deserve it. These signs that your boyfriend is cheating can help you realize that he is fooling around. Click Here to learn how to catch him and nail him in the act.

sign of a cheating boyfriend